The Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt Along - Week One

Rain for the Soul - Block 16 - Bonnie

Quit Merely Existing - Block 12 -  Becky

Der Sommer ist fast vorbei, und die Näherei kann wieder los gehen. Und zwar mit einem wunderschönen Projekt, das mich das kommende Jahr begleiten wird.

Ich mache beim Farmer's Wife QAL  

mit, der von Angie aka GnomeAngel gehostet wird. 

Der Plan ist, jede Woche drei Blöcke zu nähen. 
Mal sehen, ob ich mithalten werde :).

One Day at a Time - Block 8 - Aunt

Summer is almost over, and sewing can start again. Namely, with a beautiful project that will accompany me in the coming year.

I joined the Farmer's Wife QAL, hosted by Angie aka Gnome Angel.
The plan is, to sew every week three blocks. Well let's see, if I'm going to keep up :).

Als Vorlage dazu dient The Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt: Inspiring Letters from Farm Women of the Great Depression and 99 Quilt blocks That Honor Them von  Laurie Aaron Hird.

The block patterns are published in The Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt: Inspiring Letters from Farm Women of the Great Depression and 99 Quilt blocks That Honor Them by Laurie Aaron Hird.



Pearl Bracelets by Alison Glass
LittleSwimmers by George Mc Cartney
Tub Time Aqua by Heidi Dobrott


Pearl Bracelets by Alison Glass
Belize by Chong-A Hwang
Ride 'Em Cowboy 2 by Studio RK


Pearl Bracelets by Alison Glass
Prism Geo by Timeless Treasures 
Zirkelbonbons by Tante Ema


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